Modern Sample Plant

As the member company of VIDEOTON Group in Kaposvár, we have been welcoming visitors of Modern Sample Plant Programme for years. The aim of the project is to enable outstanding Hungarian companies to show their innovative solutions applied in their industry as best practices for other companies, and on the other hand to strengthen communication and knowledge sharing between Hungarian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

On the 22nd of May, following a short presentation, executives and representatives of companies from different industrial segments visited our company to see our operations, manufacturing culture and technological processes during a factory tour, with a special focus on production automation and real-time data processing systems.
Hopefully, participants gained useful knowledge that they can apply in their own businesses.

Later this year, in addition to the "Night of Modern Factories" programme, we expect to organise two more factory tours in cooperation with MGFÜ Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., for which company managers can register at