VIDEOTON: the family-friendly workplace

Both of our companies VIDEOTON Elektro-PLAST Kft. and VIDEOTON Battery Technologies Kft. have been awarded the 1st, bronze grade of the Family-Friendly Workplace certification mark.

That company could receive this acknowledgement that takes care of its employees, in addition to what is required. Among the evaluation criterion, several relevant questions were included, like non-standard employment, social welfares, and assurance of proper working conditions, screenings, organizing trainings, as well as family programs, and building of working community.

By winning the certification mark, we proved that VIDEOTON is a caring employer in Kaposvár and Marcali as well. We are aware that we can best count on committed, balanced employees because by reconciling family and work both, the employer and the employee win. That is why we organize our daily lives with a family-friendly approach to reduce conflicts arising from work expectations and needs of the family environment.  

We are among the largest employers in both Kaposvár and Marcali, but at the same time we are about to maintain our human-oriented viewpoint. We organize child camps, programs, we provide social welfares such as recent school start support. Many employees work part-time, we are respectful of our women who have little children, for whom we have started a separate shift, as well as we are flexible to the needs or possible problems of our employees. Moreover, we take care of the health of our employees: a wide range of screenings and sport opportunities are available in the benefit package of our company. With our regular company events, we strengthen cohesion.    

We measure our results not only in the number, speed and cost-effectiveness of our delivered products, components, but also in the satisfaction of our employees. We seek to establish such conditions for our employees, where they feel good, and they can reconcile their jobs with their family life.

This company attitude was acknowledged by Családbarát Ország Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. on behalf of the Hungarian Government.